Thursday, February 3, 2011

Impressive, most impressive

My Island of Blood package arrived today. After a quick glance at the contents I decided to assemble the High Elf Prince and two Ratogres. Boy, they look impressive. Before I saw the models I was planning to put the High Elves to the auction house, now I just can't do that. Beside the overall look of the models (which deserve praise), I also like very much the way they are assembled. They will need only a little putty along the lines connecting different parts. Only thing that I do not like is the way they are connected to sprues. That could be done better.
About other contents of the box. The idea of mini version of rulebook is nice. I am afraid though that, it will fall apart after few battles, as it doesn't seem too solid. More dices, rulers and templates are always welcome, you can never have enough of them.
I will try to post some more pictures later, as I assemble more models.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

First cats... yyy rats

Here are the three fine gents I've painted first (in order from left to right). I decided to start with clanrats, as I have plenty of them. I am trying different techniques and different paint schemes. This way I can develop myself a bit, before I'll work on models I care more. Im still trying to figure out, how to do the rusty/used metal parts.
I bought some black lava and matt varnish from Vallejo yesterday, so now will be the time to try base those rats and then put some vernix on them.
Unfortunately I dont have a tripod, so the flash is a must be for all close up photos. My hands are not steady enough :/

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Many years...

Many years have passed since I have done some painting. For some time my eyes were dragged to this old shoe box on the top shelf in my room. The box that contained remnants of my not so numerous army of warhammer minis. One particular evening I decided to take a look inside. I have found some clanrats, some mordheim pieces (witch hunters mainly), a rat ogre, a lot of my friend's woodelves and some other random stuff. Most of them in terrible condition - quartered, disassembled, partly painted. I must note here that I never was a decent painter, so the paintjob on them was at most terrible. Fortunately, most of them was unpainted.
Next day I got some planks, built a paintstation and ordered some Vallejo Game Colors together with few Foundation Washes. We will see if any good will come out of it. So far I painted 2 clanrats. I will post some pictures later, going back to painting now.